Complete Advanced Bingo Strategy

This page may seem an odd one for those players, who consider the Bingo game as the game of luck only.

This is true as most think that no one really knows which ball is going to be the next one.

However, modern technologies and researches in the field of statistics prove that there is more than pure luck in the game of Bingo.

Advanced Bingo Strategy by Joseph E. Granville

Joseph E. Granville, a mathematical analyst, came to a conclusion that each Bingo game follows specific game patterns, and by using them anyone can beat the odds.

As the only thing that depends upon the player is the card selection, Granville placed all the efforts in finding the best Advanced Bingo Strategy to increase the odds of the player. He discovered that the basic method of increasing your winning chances lies in purchasing more cards for playing, is false and does not lead you to big wins. Instead, when you play fewer cards, you are more likely to win.

According to Granville, the clue to realizing the path to the odds lies in the understanding the word Accidental (Random), that characterizes the way the balls are taken from a machine or a container. Furthermore, each container has balls numbers 1 to 75.

At the beginning of the game the probabilities of each ball coming out of the machine are equal, 1/75. This is called the uniform distribution. Here is where the Law of Probability takes place. Firstly, it describes the quantity of distribution of all the numbers in the machine.

  • There is the same amount of balls that end in 1's, 3's, 4's and so on.
  • There is an equal number of even and odd balls.
  • There is a balance between high and low numbers.
  • These are 3 basic characteristics of the accidental outcomes. If the distribution is made according to this pattern, it is not accidental. If you take a close look on first 10 numbers drawn from the machine, you will notice an interesting pattern. Practically all of the time, the first 10 balls are predominant in numbers with different last number. As most of the games are usually last for 10-12 calls or even less, you will improve your winning chances by choosing the cards with different last numbers.

    This law derives from simple law of probability and can be explained by an example. If the first called number is I-21, the probability of the next ball being the number that ends with 1 decreases, and the concentration of other numbers increases. The following number is G-54 and it decreases the probability of the next ball ending in 1 and 4. The actual probability of first ten balls ending in different numbers is around 60%, thus after the 7th ball, there’s a big chance the numbers will double endings.

    To prove the author’s assumption, 49 game series had been hold and the first 10 numbers with high percentage were different in the last number. Since each card has 24 numbers they are placed at 16 strategic squares (that comprise practically all winning combinations) and 8 dead squares, the choice of the card according to the different last number should depend only upon the strategic squares.



